How Important Is Acupuncture on Infertility

By Linda Golden

For centuries, the art and often referred to as the health practice of acupuncture has been present in various countries mostly in the Asian region. This illustrates the magnificence as well as complicated task of pinning fine needles in several vital points of the body for various purposes such as relieving pain and treating some health concerns. The basic effect of acupuncture on infertility is to regulate the person's blood pressure by proper stimulation of the central nervous system. It largely stimulates the production and release of endorphins that help inhibiting the pain and neurohormones and neurotransmitters that allow for the body to heal by itself.

Acupuncture on infertility is also observed as one of the effective remedies for different infertility problems specifically hormonal imbalance. The levels of hormones are leveled accordingly through increasing blood flow on different vital organs as it regulates the body system. Further on, it helps improve all the important functions of the ovaries and the follicles. The endometrium is largely responsible for thickening the lining of the uterus but also benefits from increased blood flow due to acupuncture. A particular infertility treatment like IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is also greatly aided in elevating its success rate. In actuality, a number of specialists now offer acupuncture as a part of the so called IVF treatment. This becomes quite noticeable in the developments done in the process of transferring the embryo which results to success in pregnancy. Another specific concern of infertility that can also be cured by acupuncture is having spasmed tubes. It can be done through turning these spasmed tubes into de-spasmed ones. Moreover, there are also lots of other infertility issues that can be effectively treated by acupuncture like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, elevated follicle stimulating hormone, repeated pregnancy loss, idiopathic infertility, luteal phase defect, hyperprolactinemia, and sperm DNA fragmentation.

The body has the capacity to heal itself naturally and acupuncture also enhances this ability. In this case, the more you undergo acupuncture, the healthier it is. For those women who are about to take IVF treatments or donor egg transfer, they are often dealt with acupuncture for about three to four months before undergoing the said process. Acupuncture is also advised to women before and after they undergo the embryo transfer. This is done for the purpose of enhancing the therapeutic effect along with different infertility treatments. Basically, fertility treatments bring about stress on the person undergoing it. And the best treatment for this is acupuncture. because acupuncture has a lot of ways to add to the treatment of infertility, it is highly advisable for couples who are suffering from this type of concern to give each option a shot.

Acupuncture also has some risks but are very minimal. However, miscarriage can happen when acupuncture is done improperly on a pregnant woman. This makes it significant to ensure that acupuncture is only to be done by a certified acupuncturist who is really capable and specializes in that type of therapy. Electro-acupuncture is the advanced form of acupuncture that inhibits pain during labor. The need to be hospitalized is also significantly reduced which helps a person save from further expenses.

On top of all, recent researches have revealed that the right blend of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and traditional medications serve as the ultimate method in treating infertility. In most cases, acupuncture and herbal medicines are seen to be more effective through the aid of traditional medical interventions. - 29962

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The Importance of Acupuncture on Infertility

By Linda Golden

For centuries, the art and often referred to as the health practice of acupuncture has been present in various countries mostly in the Asian region. This illustrates the magnificence as well as complicated task of pinning fine needles in several vital points of the body for various purposes such as relieving pain and treating some health concerns. The basic effect of acupuncture on infertility is regulating a person's blood pressure through the proper stimulation of our central nervous system. It largely stimulates the production and release of endorphins that help inhibiting the pain and neurohormones and neurotransmitters that allow for the body to heal by itself.

Acupuncture on infertility is also seen as one effective means to treat infertility concerns particularly that of hormonal imbalance. The hormone levels are regulated accordingly by increasing the blood flow on various vital organs as it regulates the body system as well. Furthermore, it helps improve all the important functions of the ovaries as well as follicles. The endometrium is generally responsible for thickening the uterus lining which benefits from acupuncture because of increased blood flow. A specific infertility treatment like IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is also largely aided to increase its success rate. In fact, a number of specialists now offer acupuncture as an element that's part of IVF treatment. This becomes quite noticeable in the developments done in the process of transferring the embryo which results to success in pregnancy. Another specific concern of infertility that can also be cured by acupuncture is having spasmed tubes. It's done by making these spasmed tubes into de-spasmed ones. Moreover, there are also lots of other infertility issues that can be effectively treated by acupuncture like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, elevated follicle stimulating hormone, repeated pregnancy loss, idiopathic infertility, luteal phase defect, hyperprolactinemia, and sperm DNA fragmentation.

Naturally, our body is very much capable of healing its self and acupuncture further improves this capability. In this case, the more you undergo acupuncture, the healthier it is. For women who are to take IVF treatments or what is called donor egg transfer, they are often treated to acupuncture about 3 or 4 months before they do so. Acupuncture is also advised to women before and after they undergo the embryo transfer. This is done for heightening the therapeutic effect together with various infertility treatments. Basically, fertility treatments are often stressful for the involved person. And the best remedy for this is through acupuncture. Since acupuncture has a lot of ways to add in treating infertility, it is advisable for couples who suffer from it to give chance for every possible option.

Acupuncture also has some risks but are very minimal. However, miscarriage can occur when acupuncture is done improperly on a pregnant woman. This makes it important to make sure that acupuncture is only done by a certified acupuncturist who is very well capable and specializes in the said therapy. A more advanced type of acupuncture called electro-acupuncture is used to inhibit pain in labor. There is a decreased need for hospitalization which helps a person to save instead of incurring further expenses.

Above all else, recent research studies have revealed that the right mix of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and traditional medicine serve as the ultimate formula to cure infertility. In a lot of cases, acupuncture and herbal medicines are considered to be more effective with the help of course of traditional medications. - 29962

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Acupuncture and Fertility

By Linda Golden

Acupuncture is that old time Chinese tradition of inserting needles in different parts of the body to alleviate pain and treat different diseases.Based on the Chinese philosophy, diseases and pain happen when there is an imbalance in the two main forces of nature called yin and yang.The Chinese people believe that acupuncture restores that lost balance.Acupuncturists who are the experts in the process insert really sharp needles on many precise points in the meridians.The insertion of razor sharp needles produces that sharp tingling sensation.That feeling tends to fade as it is replaced by that tingling or lack of sensation or that heaviness or soreness as the needles are in place.

Acupuncture is being used as remedy for pain and treatment for various conditions such as eye diseases, ulcers, arthritis, asthma, migraine and even mental illness.It has been believed to treat people who suffer from infertility problems.

Acupuncture as a process helps the nerves and muscles of the body for it to relax.Scientists believe in three major assumptions about how acupuncture works.One great assumption is that these meridians exist as they are attached to the body's organs in a special manner.

According to the theory, acupuncture increases the level of activity along the meridians which results to manipulating the body organs to function.Scientists believe that acupuncture works in part by increasing the brain's production of natural pain killers called endorphins. It has become a theory that acupuncture can work all throughout the nervous system by generating signals that block pain messages as they are sent to the brain.

People who would be good contenders for attempting acupuncture are those who have problems with infertility such as damaged fallopian tubes or stress related infertility.Despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence that would show stress's relationship with infertility, relaxation is found to be a definite treatment for infertility.Men and women who are diagnosed to have infertility are advised to have acupuncture as part of their medical treatment procedure. With just 10 visits to an acupuncture specialist who's experienced and a professional, you would be able to conclude if the process helps you with your infertility problems. - 29962

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Indicators of Infertility in Women

By Karol Cardinson

The inability to get pregnant in women is a sign of infertility in women. Infertility in women is usually only discovered after years of trying to conceive and finally seeking medical help to find out why you are not getting pregnant. Even though there are several signs that indicate infertility in women there are still several tests needed to truly confirm that the problem is infertility. Signs of infertility can also be emotional and physical aspects that the women may be experiencing at that specific time.

Primary infertility is the inability of a couple to conceive even after one year of intercourse, done without using any protection and secondary infertility is when a couple who has already conceived once, has not been able to conceive another child. Infertility in women amounts to about 40-50% of all the infertility cases. A women's age can also be directly related to infertility.

Infertility problems are most likely to occur in women starting from when they are 30. Endometriosis accounts for 30% of all infertility problems in women. It is basically a medical condition wherein, the tissue which forms the outer lining of the uterus starts to grow on other parts of the body as well, leading to extreme pain and irregular periods.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can also cause infertility. In this condition, the ovaries produce abnormally large amounts of male hormones. This condition is experienced by at least 6% of the women. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is one of the most common conditions occurring in a woman that potentially leads to infertility. It is caused by bacteria that lead to various infections that can affect different parts of the body, especially reproductive organs, appendix and the pelvic area.

Another sign of infertility in women is early menopause or POF. About one percent of women will experience this before they even turn forty.

Another thing that may cause infertility in women is IHH which is also known as Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism. This is a disease where there are low levels of FSH and LH which will keep the ovaries from being able to develop completely.

Problems in the corpus luteum also known as Luteal Phase Defect can also cause infertility in women. Most of the time women with this issue will experience benign uterine fibroids around the age of thirty and if they are allowed to become too large the result could possibly be infertility.

Elevated Prolactin Levels (Hyperprolactinemia) is a condition in women where, high levels of prolactin decrease gonadotropin hormone and prevent ovulation. At times, inborn genital abnormalities can also lead to infertility. Mullerian agenesis is a condition wherein, a vagina or a uterus does not develop in a woman. Uterine or Abdominal Scarring because of surgeries or infections can also inhibit the movements of the ovaries and lead to infertility. Ectopic Pregnancies also significantly increase the chances of infertility. Medications, treatments and surgeries can also cause infertility in woman. Thus, these are the primary causes of infertility in women. - 29962

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Are Thinking of Surrogacy? - You Need to Read This

By Ejima L. Pitt

Surrogacy is where a woman carries and gives birth on behalf of another person. The individual carrying the baby is term to be the surrogate and the parents to be, if there are couple are addressed as the 'commissioning pair'. Requesting someone else to bear a baby on your behalf is normally the last resort however even so, the decision to do this should be wisely considered. Usually, surrogacy is employed if intervention by In Vitro impregnation has failed or a medical difficulty stop the woman from becoming pregnant, or might be dangerous if she did.

Indisputably, the most essential aspect of this practice is the devotion by both parties not just now but as well in the future and the knowledge of its implications. A good idea at this stage is for everybody to talk with a therapist seasoned in the area to talk about the entire process. You should as well get legal advice previous to starting out. If you intend to use a fertility hospital, equally you and your partner (if you have one) and the surrogate her mate (if she has one) will have to go through the similar processes as if you were all commencing fertility intervention.

There are two steps of having a baby with a surrogate: you can utilise sperm from a male partner, if you have one, and the surrogate's eggs. While this procedure is employed therefore impregnation is executed through Artificial Insemination and often by Intrauterine Insemination. The 2nd option utilized the eggs from the commissioning mother (at times eggs that have been donated) and the sperm from the partner. This is needed In Vitro impregnation which have to take place in a sanctioned treatment center.

Antenatal assessment to check for Spina Bifida, Down's Syndrome or other inherent disorders will be necessary, as a result complete faith among the parties is absolutely crucial. Other aspect to verify is that of the surrogate's capability to ensure a safe pregnancy and healthy delivery. Try and get support, if possible from acquaintances and relations, because it is traumatic both emotionally and physically.

Both the hospital used for the intervention and the hospital used for the birth should be supportive towards surrogacy. Surrogate mothers are normally paid for the service they provide nevertheless this depends on where you are in the world and in the U.K. for instance, only moderate expenses such as clothes, travel and loss of wages for instance, are allowed to be paid to the surrogate.

The surrogate mother may change her position regarding allowing the child go even if it is not genetically her child, although, this a uncommon incidence. This is extremely strenuous and painful for all concerned, which is why it is so critical that you have faith in each other and are clear and devoted to your arrangement from the outset. - 29962

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Tips to Get Pregnant Even if You Are Dealing With Infertility in Couples

By Karol Cardinson

Infertility in couples is considered to be when one or both parties cannot contribute to the pregnancy. When women are unable to carry a pregnancy to the final trimester it can also be considered infertility. There is help available for couples who are experiencing infertility and ways for you to get pregnant. Infertile women do not have their periods consecutively and ovulation is sporadic where women who are fertile have consecutive periods and ovulate regularly before and after each period. The sign of infertility in couples is when the couple is unable to get pregnant even after a year or even years of intercourse without the use of birth control.

Couples that have never been able to get pregnant are considered to have primary infertility and couples that have experienced a successful pregnancy but are no longer able to become pregnant is considered to have secondary infertility. Throughout the world one out of every seven couples have problems with infertility. As women get older the chance of becoming pregnant will decrease. The number of Americans that experience infertility is close to six million. The percentage of women having infertility problems in a couple is about fifty percent. The percentage of men that have infertility problems in a couple is about forty percent. Some of the most common problems with infertility are age, problems ovulating, blockage, uterian problems, tubal ligation, and TB.

Most couples will seek medical help if they have been unable to conceive after a long period of time. An infertility specialist will be consulted and he will run tests on both parties in the couple and determine the causes or reasons behind the infertility. Both people in the couple will be asked questions about sexual activity and how they believe intercourse is done. At this point if the specialist is unable to determine what is causing the problem he will order more tests to be done. He will test the woman's temp, how she ovulates, take x-rays of the tubes and the uterus, and he will perform and laparoscopy. He will test the man's semen count and analyze the sperm.

Statistically ninety percent of couples who deal with infertility will receive a conventional method such as drug therapy and surgery to be able to become pregnant while the other ten percent will need difficult surgeries such as IVF to get pregnant. Twenty percent of couples who have used a specialist become pregnant without even being treated for infertility. This is because of the stress they were under when they were trying to become pregnant and not being able to and when they visited the specialist all the stress was relieved. Statistics show that most couples will get pregnant within two years. There is several reasons why a couple will experience infertility including the use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, dangers in the environment, medicines, cancer treatment, health concerns, and physical and emotional problems.

The treatments for infertility are different for both sexes in a couple. Medications are available today and you should only use the medications after you have consulted a specialist first. The most commonly used treatment is the fertility kit. - 29962

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What Did You Know About Infertility Intrauterine Insemination?

By Ejima L. Pitt

When sperm is been inserted into the womb of the woman to coincide with ovulation, it is refer to Intrauterine Insemination. When the causes for the infertility is unknown or there's problem with ovulation, Intrauterine Insemination is normally utilized as a normal treatment.

The problem might lie with the man whose sperm count may be low. Other causes of infertility could be if the woman's natural antibodies attack the sperm or that the cervical mucus is too concentrated for the sperm to go through. Impotence could as well be another other causes as can premature ejaculation.

Placid contractions, like period pains are about the most awful uneasiness a woman will undergo during Intrauterine Insemination process. On occasion, the catheter has a problem when it is inserted into the cervix although general anesthetics are typically given if there is any physical discomfort.

Nasal sprays and injections are on occasion utilized with Intrauterine Insemination to help encourage ovulation but might be prescribed by the doctor if needed. The egg is freed by a hormone injection once it is ready and the chosen sperm is inputed with a catheter, 36 to 40 hours laters. The whole procedure needs simply a couple of minutes and you may wish to rest for a short time before going to your house.

All sperm is tested for hepatitis and HIV if the donor sperm has been donated at the hospital where the treatment is taken place. If you are contemplating using fresh donor sperm for home insemination, it wouldn't have been screened and thus cannot be sure to be free from contamination.

The accomplishment rate for Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) using fertility drugs is around 15 per cent per cycle of procedure, if that the man's sperm and the woman's tubes are equally in good condition. Intrauterine Insemination is the first routine of aided conception applied, where there is no establish grounds for the infertility problem, but if this doesn't work then In Vitro Fertilization could be employed. Like lots of other assisted conception procedures, IUI is usually more successful on younger women who are very fertile. - 29962

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Infertility Insurance - What is Its Coverage?

By Linda Golden

Infertility these days has become one of the many fast increasing problems being noted worldwide. This condition can be a major problem for both sides of a couple. And even with various treatments made available, they are virtually impossible to reach as they come in very expensive prices. This makes the majority of the couples who are experiencing infertility become incapable of having an absolution to their problem and achieve successful pregnancy. Infertility insurance will help you acquire the needed or prescribed treatment.

Infertility insurance has been developed to aid couples that experience the problem finance all the required treatments. Although there are some insurance companies that don't offer this specific type of coverage, there are some countries that require insurance companies to provide or offer their clients with the said type of insurance coverage.

One of the first things to note exactly what a particular infertility insurance covers. Ask your insurance company if they do offer coverage for infertility treatments. It's highly beneficial to get the specifics on the coverage in regards to deductibles, co-pays, and pre_qualification requirements. To have a better understanding of all your benefits do not hesitate to call your insurance company and ask all the questions you might have. While getting this kind of information, it is best if you obtain them through writing. If possible ask for copies of your insurance plan document.

Infertility insurance coverage varies depending on your insurance plan and the service provider as well. Various types of coverage mean that different infertility treatments are being included. It;s a necessity to know if that insurance plan covers medication, diagnostic tests, and fertility treatment. Insurance plans generally only include the inexpensive infertility treatments. There is also a limit to the number of treatment cycles that can be included in the insurance coverage. In general insurance covers the following cases: ZIFT, GIFT,IVF, and IUI.

There are certain medications that are not covered by infertility insurance. Egg and sperm donations procedures are tyypically not covered in this type of insurance. But the most common problem couple face in this particular type of insurance is the qualification. In most cases, only those that are under the age of 40 are qualified to apply for it. Couples should also be proven to have infertility for at least a year before they will be able to get their needed insurance. Furthermore, they also should be policy holders for at least a year or so. Making yourself well associated with your insurance will help you get the best possible treatment for your infertility problems. - 29962

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Trying To Conceive - 5 Signs That Signal Your Ovulation Period

By Beth Vardah

Knowing which days you ovulate plays a key role in a successful pregnancy. As a woman's fertile time lasts for only 24 hours, a couple must take full advantage of this opportunity in order for successful fertilization to take place. The problem is, not all women are that familiar with their ovulation cycle. Some are even in the dark as to the importance of this. With that said, we will tackle in this article five signs of ovulation which will help couples further understand the complexity of a female's ovulation period, and how to greatly improve their chances of conception.

Peak In Luteinizing Hormone (lh)

This is the most accurate way to predict ovulation. A spike in luteinizing hormone means that you have a window of about 30 hours that precedes ovulation. Think of this as a dark nimbus cloud on the horizon that signifies rain in the coming hours. A peak in luteinizing hormones can be detected in the urine with the use of LH ovulation test sticks.

Rise of Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

During ovulation there is an increase in progesterone levels which in turn heats up the body. This temperature rise signifies the start of you ovulation and will last until the start of your period. So, if you miss your chance to conceive this month, you will have a way to determine when your next ovulation period will take place. The best way to measure your basal temperature is during in the morning just before you get out of your bed. Although there are special thermometers specifically made for this, an ordinary thermometer will do the trick. Remember to keep a chart of your basal body temperature so that it will be easier for you to spot the increase next time.

Your breasts will become tender and sensitive.

During the ovulation period, there is a secretion of progesterone hormones. This results in the tenderness and sensitivity not just of the breasts but also of the nipples much like when you have your menstrual cycle.

The cervical mucus fluid will change.

As your ovulation period approaches, the body is flooded with estrogen based hormones that help change the consistency of your cervical fluid. Aside from visual and tactile changes, the amount of cervical mucus fluid increases. There will be a thinning of the cervical mucus and it will be less sticky and won't be able to hold its shape. You might see a translucency in the cervical mucus although its color still remains the same.

Changes is your cervix.

The vagina and uterus is connected by the cervix. As a woman approaches her ovulation period the cervix becomes more soft and moist. The opening to the cervix will open up and its tip will begin to lift. All these descriptive terms are relative, so it is required that you keep track of the openness, texture, and position of your cervix during your cycle.

Keeping track of when you are ovulating is not always the easiest thing but it can help you get the baby you've always wanted. You need to know when you are fertile because that is half the battle of getting pregnant. - 29962

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Reasons for Infertility in Men and Women

By Casey Fields

Most infertile couples look to all kinds of solutions when trying to have a baby. The frustrating part of the entire process is not knowing the reasons for infertility. Understanding why will lead you to the best solution to getting pregnant.

For women, infertility is caused by several things. Ovulatory problems are one of the foremost causes of infertility in women. Ovulation is when a woman's egg becomes mature with the aid of hormones. When some factors like producing too much androgen, stress, or premature aging of ovaries happen, ovulatory dysfunction occurs. Hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism, abnormal ovarian development or prolactin can also be factors in making ovulatory problems happen in women.

Endometriosis is another big reason for infertility. This serious issue can cause fallopian tube failure, scarring, or the growing of uterine tissue in the abdomen. If diagnosed quickly, endometriosis can be corrected. If only temporarily.

For men, reasons for infertility border on abnormal or limited sperm production. There are also cases when unknown reasons cause the difficulty in couples trying to conceive. Because of this, there have been numerous methods that can possibly address the different factors of infertility.

Infertile couples can choose from some advanced medical procedures to help conceive. In Vitro fertilization, In Vitro Maturation, and artificial insemination are all possibilities. Another option is hormone therapy to help a woman with ovulation as well as other forms of assisted pregnancy technologies.

Sometimes a women's body itself works against the reproductive process by producing anti-sperm antibodies. These antibodies seek out and kill the mans sperm.

Anti-sperm antibodies are commonly known as "sperm allergy". Some women think that they are allergic to their husband's sperm because they feel itchy after intercourse. However, women are not the only one who has this rare condition. Even men can be allergic to their own sperm. This is the reason why a treatment for such condition has been developed to increase an infertile couple's chances of pregnancy. The possible treatment for this is intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection.

Treating these many reason for infertility can vary greatly in both cost and frequency. An infertile couple's financial capacity and medical history is another dependancy. Most treatments are costly and take many repeat visits to the doctor.

For most couples, if they cannot have a child through natural means, they can try assisted reproductive treatments. If that still doesn't work, and the reasons for infertility are still present in a couple's condition, they have the option for surrogacy or adoption. - 29962

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Get Pregnant Fast Naturally

By Deegan Love

Introduction: Some women are generously blessed with the gift of pregnancy without even asking for it, while a part of the female population face the opposite. Try as they might, some women just have a hard time getting pregnant. This is why plenty turn to outside help, and here are some helpful tips that can help one become pregnant through natural ways.

Difficulty: 3

Things You'll Need: a man (partner), vitamins and supplements, healthy meals

Step 1. The first step to get pregnant is to have a partner. Do you have one already? Well, if you don not have one yet, then go find yourself one first. You can't expect to make a baby by yourself, can you? If you're married, then the partner would most likely be your husband (who else?). But if you aren't, you can have your boyfriend as your partner or even your friend (if in case you just need a donor so that you can have a baby all by yoursef).

Step 2. Then, once you have a parter already, stop using contraceptives. Most women on the pill don't get pregnant right after they stop, since the body still takes time to readjust from all the chemicals and hormones. This isn't to say that you won't become pregnant immediately as well, because some women also do.

Barrier methods, like male and female condoms however, may have direct effects when they are ceased.

Step 3. Is Your Lifestyle Healthy? Take time to reasses your lifestyle (and your partner's as well). For the body to become efficient in any manner (and that includes fertilization) , it has to be free of toxins and stress. A healthy lifestyle can be achieved by doing the following:

- Eating a balanced diet. This includes foods that are rich in anti oxidants, minerals and vitamins. Organic food should be chosen because typical produce can contain pesticides, which can cause fertility problems.

- Stop Smoking. Nicotine has an adverse effect on the cervical mucous, and can cause fertilization problems as well. This causes double problems since nicotine also lowers sperm count.

- Any form of caffeine should be avoided. Caffeine also has detrimental effects on a woman's chances of getting pregnant. Too much caffeine (more than two cups of coffee or its equivalent for tea and soda) can increase a woman's chances of having a miscarriage.

- Exercising is as crucial as all the other factors there. Proper exercise keeps the body fit and also prepares the body for pregnancy. Exercising regularly de-stresses the body and helps you have better sleep at night.

- Sleep is also a very important factor, as this increases or normalizes the levels of the hormone leptin, which plays an important role in a woman's ovulation.

Step 4. Vitamins and supplements are also essential when one wants to get pregnant. The right amount of folic acid before and during pregnancy lessens the risk of prenatal conditions such as neural tube defects.

Aside from vitamins and minerals, herbs are also making waves as well. Take herbs to balance your hormones. Here are some examples of herbs that are helpful for fertility:

- Chamomile

- raspberry leaf

- licorice root

- saw palmetto

- licorice root.

Remember to consult your doctor first before taking in any of these supplements.

Step 5. Take note of your ovulation and menstruation time. Most women ovulate right in the middle of their menstruation cycle, and you can figure out when yours is by taking note of the first day of your menstruation, as well as how long it is each month. If your menstruation is regular and arrives on time every twenty - eight days, then you can easily assume that your ovulation time is around fourteen days after the first day of your mensturation. This cycle, however, varies among women.

Step 6. Have sex (unprotected, of course) During the days leading towards your ovulation. Do this regularly.

- While this may not be scientifically proven, plenty of people find the missionary position quite helpful. This is because the missionary position (especially the version where a pillow is placed under a woman's hips) places the cervix closer to the sperm. Try lying in bed after sex as well, becuase this gives the sperm more chance to reach the ovum.

- A lot of couples feel very pressured when they have sex, and this can take out the intimacy. Keep everything light and try not to stress yourselves up.

Step 7. If you miss a period, start a pregnancy test right away.

Step 8. If you don't get pregnant, repeat the following steps over again.


- Be consistent and persistent with your pregnancy efforts. Remember to live a healthy lifestyle and take supplements on a regular basis.

- Don't kill the mood in the rush to make a baby. Sex should always be intimate and pleasurable, so relax.

- Speak to your doctor when you plan to get pregnant, as well as when you plan to take supplementation.


- There are pregnancy myths all over, and some can even be dangerous instead of helpful. Inform yourself before following any unsolicited (or even solicited) advice.

- Have yourself and your partner tested (and treated) for any infection or disease before you start having unprotected sex. - 29962

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The Clear blue Fertility Monitor - Must-Know Facts For All Moms

By Sonya Marlow

Trying to get pregnant should be a happy and exciting time for you and your partner; you shouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant. The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor helps reduce the time that it takes to conceive.

The neat thing about the Clearblue monitor is that is maximizes your chances of getting pregnant by alerting you when are most likely able to conceive.

The Clearblue makes use of separate, disposable one-time use test sticks. One of the sticks is wetted and placed into the monitor test slot, then wait for the test to complete. Most fertility monitors have a set tracking schedule built in, but with the Clearblue monitor you can easily program it to track your monthly cycle to the day.

This maximizes your chances of getting pregnant. Each test shows a "fertility status" on the screen, based on the test results - low, high, and peak - displayed using 3 bars.

The "M' Button on the Monitor:

The Clearblue's unique 'M Button' is activated at the start of your monthly cycle. It sets the beginning of a 6-hour time period for testing. You should press the button at the start of your cycle but only when it's convenient to test; the first urine of the day. In order to test different times in your cycle, you're free to change the day and/or time you press the button on your next cycle.

The Clearblue Fertility Monitor accurately identifies more fertile days in your cycle than any other fertility monitor. About 10 or 12 days after your cycle starts is usually the most fertile time because your estrogen levels are higher. Male sperm can survive as much as five days, so your chances of conceiving are the best during these pre-ovulation days in your cycle

Why the Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor Is So Effective:

An egg begins developing inside an ovary during the 'Follicular Phase,' which is a time during these pre-ovulations days. The "LH surge" or rise in "Luteinizing Hormone" signals peak fertility during this time. Lasting only a couple days, this surge in this hormone is the most fertile time for you to conceive. Pinpointing this time with ease, the Clearblue monitor helps you identify this time when the follicle containing the egg bursts and releases the ovum. Only around twenty-four hours are you likely to conceive - when the egg is released. Identifying this most crucial time is what the Clearblue is all about.

The days afterwards are called the Luteal Phase, when the remains of the follicle forms the "corpus luteum." During this phase your chances of getting pregnant are much lower.

Performing A Routine Test

While in your testing 'window' and before your first urine of the day, turn on the Clearblue Fertility Monitor. Some mornings the monitor will indicate that you need to test your hormone levels. After removing a test stick from the wrapper, you wet it in your urine stream (pointing the stick downwards) for about three seconds. While maintaining the downward angle of the stick, remove the cap from the handle end and put it on the wet end..

At this point you should see a red flashing light in the test stick slot, which is the monitor performing an internal check to determine if the slot is ready to receive your test stick. Do not place the test stick into the slot at this time - wait until the red light has gone out. Simply hold the test stick by the cap and place the other end into the the slot, cut corner pointing down. Push it down until it clicks into place, lying flat. If you've inserted it correctly, the display will flash a small image of the test stick symbol for about five minutes as it performs the check of the urine.

So now all you do is wait five minutes until the test is over - indicated by the monitor - which point it will indicate for you to remove and discard the used test stick. The status of your fertility will then be shown on the monitor. - 29962

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